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Louson Drums and Music Therapy

Our connection to Music Therapy as a company began in the summer of 2016, when a visitor to our booth at a local I Made It! market here in Pittsburgh suggested that we get in touch with some Music Therapists to introduce our products to them.

Shortly after, I began researching Music Therapists in the local area and I found Michelle Muth, MT-BC and her website We met for coffee and talked about her profession and its need for portable and convenient percussion. Our drums happened to be a natural fit!

She convinced me to look into attending the AMTA national convention in Sandusky, Ohio in November 2016. Although the exhibitor fees and badge fees were fairly expensive for our small company, we took the plunge. And we're so glad we did! We were a hit! We ended up almost selling out of our inventory at that show.

We decided to follow up by attending additional conventions this year in Milwaukee and Denver. And yet again, the MT-BCs were loving our instruments!

After the convention in Denver, we spent some time visiting local music stores and introducing our product. And since we were in the area, we decided to shoot some promotional footage of our CajonTab portable hand drum at Keystone Resort. We wanted to show you how portable and lightweight our drums really are, so we took the CajonTab up the mountain and took a few turns.

It was a great time and the footage speaks for itself. Our drums are meant to go with you! 

(That said, I should inform you that we do not recommend skiing or snowboarding with our products!)

Take a look!