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2021 is over, Good Riddance!


2020 and 2021 were tough.  No matter what side of the political spectrum you fall on, it seems like no one has been happy with 2020 or 2021.  We were so depressed about the whole situation that we didn't even put up a single blog post in 2021!

Louson Drums has had some ups and downs since our last post in 2019!  Lemme tell you about it...

Our last big news was the retail store we had in Pittsburgh in 2019.  That store has since closed.  We just couldn't handle the rent without any foot traffic to support it and have since moved back into our home workshop.  Which is just fine!  In fact, it feels better than ever to be in business!

Despite the setbacks and challenges faced by the COVID economy, Louson Drums managed to sell more drums in December 2021 than in month in our history.  Thank you so much!  We are very grateful to all of you and look forward to continuing to innovate in the percussion world.  Heres to 2022 and beyond!
