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Hi! I would love to add a floating snare system to my ukulele, which I play in a percussive style. However, 10" is too wide to fit. Any chance you might build me one in a custom size? I need about 6"x2". I'm willing to pay for the customization, because I know it entails extra work for your shop. Let me know!
I have experimented with this; unfortunately I couldn't get the snare wires to respond after they were cut. The smaller wires seem too "stiff" to create the snare sound on the uke body. I've tried a full size snare attachment on a guitar body as well. The result was that the vibration from the strings through the soundboard would cause the snare wires to sound while playing the guitar. Not a pleasant sound! Haha.
Im willing to mess around with the idea more for you, because I think it would be rad! But I'm not sure it's going to work out! -
What type of metal is the snare mesh! Thanks
They are steel snare wire, chrome plated.
Hey I was just wondering if the snare wires itself is 10 inches or the whole external snare system is 10 inches
The bar itself is about 10" but the snare wires themselves are about 8"!