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CajonTab®️ Jumbo de 12” con caja de clic de arce duro
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CajonTab®️ Jumbo de 12” con caja de clic de arce duro

Precio habitual $238.00 Oferta

Este es nuestro Jumbo CajonTab de 12” con caja de arce duro.

Agregamos dos trampas de arce duro lijadas y terminadas a mano a la barra de caja externa, dándole al instrumentista un tono adicional de "palmada" o castañuela para construir ritmos más complejos.

La caja de clic es un excelente sustituto de la caja (¡aunque este tambor también tiene un tono de caja de alambre!) para cuando necesitas un tono de palma alto para atravesar otros instrumentos o voces.

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Questions & Answers

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  • Does the additional castinet type sound change the traditional sound. I need a great snare sound but the added feature peaks my interest. Thanks.

    The addition of the "click snare" won't change the snare sound; they rest on top of the external snare bar but don't interact with the snare wires.

  • Can you play this with your feet?

    It depends how you play it with your feet...

    If you want to use one of our drums as a bass drum with a pedal, I would recommend either the 14" size or a full size cajon.  

    If you want a drum that can be struck with the foot, I don't think the 10" or 12" is going to be big enough.  You'd probably want the 14" size to give a more flexible playing surface. Adding a pair of clickers to the snare bar could also add an option that you could play by foot.

  • Since it says the maple clicks are attached to the snare with Velcro, can they be taken on & off as needed if you don’t always want that click sound? Or will the exposed Velcro get in the way of playing? I’ve never played a cajon so I don’t know if I need the maple clicks. Thanks

    The click attachment can be removed as desired!  However, they wouldn't get in the way of playing the snare since you don't actually need to hit the snare bar to make the snare sound; the snare bar merely needs to be engaged on the playing surface !  The clickers give you one more high pitched voice for your patterns, and are totally optional and don't impact the sound of the snare otherwise! I wouldn't even advise removing them!